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Ubitech Construcții | New innovations and efficiency standards through Copilot4 min. de citit

Ubitech Construcții continues to invest in optimizing work processes and increasing the performance of its specialists by adopting and implementing cutting-edge technologies as part of the development strategy of Leviatan Group, of which it is part.  

Thus, the group-wide adoption of the Microsoft Copilot solution, based on artificial intelligence, has enabled Ubitech’s specialists to manage day-to-day activities faster.  

This was a profound transformation. Our colleagues are connected with everything that is happening in the company. And I must say that when you do things easily, seamlessly, and without friction, you see rather a joy in doing these things. Companies that embrace technology in their strategy will be ready for the future,” said Cătălin Podaru, CEO and Founder of Leviatan Group. 


Each member of the Ubitech team uses Copilot to bring different improvements to the way they work. For example, Valentina Constandache, Head of Procurement Office at Leviatan Group, uses Copilot to better manage a considerable number of emails, but also to reduce the time spent analyzing data in Excel.   

“Copilot keeps me updated with hundreds of emails and a lot of information. The analysis we used to do in Excel took 30-40 minutes, and using Copilot, it took four minutes and 22 seconds. I actually tested that,” explained Valentina Constandache, Head of Procurement Office at Leviatan Group.     

Over the years, Ubiteh Construcții has adopted several tools developed by Microsoft to benefit, among other things, from better collaboration between the specialists in the office and those working on the construction site. The Copilot solution further enhances the investments in technology made by the group of companies.   

“Microsoft 365 Copilot allows us to access very critical information in a matter of seconds and helps us streamline processes, so we realized that it could become our daily assistant. Copilot allows us to focus more on strategic and value-adding activities,” said Alexandra Lupu, Continuous Improvement Specialist at Leviatan Group.   

Based on the experience of Leviatan Group’s specialists in the use of Microsoft 365 Copilot and Copilot Studio solutions, Microsoft has recently conducted a case study that highlights the new efficiency standards achieved by Leviatan Group, in the context of the industry in which it operates, namely the construction industry, which is quite reluctant to integrate technological innovations into workflows. The case study can be accessed here

Ubitech specialists’ experience in Copilot implementation highlighted in an online event organized by Microsoft 

Romina Posea, Head of Planning and Continuous Improvement Office at Leviatan Group, was a speaker at an online event organized by Microsoft, shortly after the launch of the case study, which brought to the forefront best practices for a successful implementation of Copilot and its extended capabilities.   

In this way, Romina shared with more than 250 participants from Central and Eastern Europe, as well as the Near East, Middle East and Asia the experience of Ubitech and Leviatan Group specialists in using Microsoft 365 Copilot and Copilot Studio solutions, which help them to continuously innovate and enjoy automating repetitive tasks and streamlining processes.  

“One of the important achievements of the department I lead was the creation of a customized Copilot for the Leviatan Group, which allows access to legislative information and procedures in just a few seconds, instead of the hours it used to take. It was developed using Copilot Studio and integrated with Azure for added security. It’s still a work in progress, but with the new Romanian-language functionality and Wave 2 developments, we believe we can make a huge impact with this type of assistant in our daily activities,” said Romina Posea, Head of Planning and Continuous Improvement Office at Leviatan Group.

Leviatan Group’s vision, focused on technology and innovation, enabled a strategic and creative approach to the adoption of the Copilot solution, which became available to every company in the group and to every team member.  

When Copilot was launched on the Romanian market, Leviatan Group companies were among the first customers of this product, and the adoption of Copilot was not only for the functionalities it offered at the time of its launch, but also for the future functionalities that Leviatan specialists envisioned this solution would offer at some point in the future.  

Ubitech Construcții will continue to integrate solutions based on artificial intelligence, such as Copilot, which will contribute to keeping the company among the top construction companies in Romania.