Ubitech, promoter of gender diversity in the construction industry4 min. de citit
At Ubitech Construction, success and innovation are part of an organizational culture that emphasizes diversity and inclusion. Ubitech values the contribution each team member makes and emphasizes the crucial importance of women’s role in the company’s evolution. In support of this philosophy, Ubitech Construction has created an environment conducive to the development of female talent.
In the construction sector, considered a man’s field, Ubitech Constructions is distinguished by a significant presence of women at all levels of the organization. This commitment to gender equality and recognition of individual merit is clearly reflected in the team structure, which is made up of 45% women, with a notable presence of 56% in top and middle management positions.
By promoting a culture based on mutual respect, openness to collaboration and appreciation of diversity, Ubitech Constructions has succeeded in creating a motivating work environment for all team members. In this context, ambitious women are encouraged to reach their full potential and have access to numerous opportunities for continuous development. The company appreciates the outstanding achievements of women in the team and is firmly committed to promoting equal opportunities and inclusion.
Globally, women’s representation in the construction sector remains limited. In 2023, women accounted for approximately 11% of the construction industry workforce in the United States, according to a report published by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Women also account for only 15% of employees in the European construction sector, according to an article published in 2023 by Oxford Economics. In Romania, the presence of women in construction in 2020 was less than 13% of all employees in the sector, according to an article published by Plan Radar.
In this context, Ubitech positions itself as a promoter of equity and inclusion in the construction industry, where every woman can put her experience, skills and passion for quality to good use. The determination and vision of Ubitech’s women team demonstrates that the construction sector should not be seen as a man’s industry, but one where both women and men can achieve a high level of performance.
High-performing women in the Ubitech Construction team
Carmen is a Bidding-Contract Engineer and has been part of the Ubitech team for two years. About her experience with the company, she says it is interesting, dynamic and challenging. Carmen appreciates the team spirit of her colleagues, but also the fact that they create a friendly atmosphere and bring a good mood to the office every day.
Elena has been part of the team for more than five years and she values the team spirit, dedication and results orientation. She is an Economist and describes herself as cheerful, sociable and involved, and when it comes to her job, Elena mentions that the diversity and importance of the projects she is involved in keeps her motivated.
Oana has been a Bidding-Contract Engineer at Ubitech Constructions for almost a year and a half, during which time she has had a vibrant, challenging and extremely rewarding experience, thanks to the variety of activities she has taken part in and the results she has achieved with her colleagues. Oana is delighted with the positive dynamic of working with her colleagues, characterised by constant mutual support and effective communication.
Ambitious and eager to continuously evolve, Cristina has been a Procurement Specialist in the team for over four years. She values the professionalism of her colleagues and the company’s interest in the professional and personal development of its team members, as well as the fact that recognition of merit is an important part of the company’s organisational culture.
Anca has been a Decontamination Engineer in the Ubitech team for almost a year and has more than four years of professional experience. The company’s forward-looking orientation and cutting-edge technologies inspire her, and the fact that her work is appreciated motivates her to excel in everything she does. Anca values the openness and support of her colleagues to achieve common goals.
With valuable professional experience spanning more than seven years, Lidia has been part of the Ubitech team for a year and a half, where she has a significant contribution as a Bidding-Contract Engineer. She finds the environment in which she works inspiring and appreciates her colleagues for their professionalism and sense of humour, but also for always being ready to offer their support.
Ioana is a Procurement Specialist and has been part of the #UbitechTeam for almost 3 years. She describes her experience in the company as intense and extremely enjoyable, with multiple development opportunities. Appreciated for her attention to detail, Ioana finds her job exciting and is delighted with the harmonious atmosphere within the team.
În urmă cu aproape trei ani, Cristina s-a alăturat acestei echipe, în calitate de Economist. Cu o vastă experiență profesională de aproape 16 de ani, ea este apreciată la Ubitech Construcții pentru dedicarea și abilitățile sale remarcabile. Cristina prețuiește mediul dinamic și armonios în care își desfășoară activitatea, întrucât îi oferă posibilitatea de a se dezvolta în permanență.
Almost three years ago, Cristina joined the team as an Economist. With almost 16 years of professional experience, she is appreciated at Ubitech Constructions for her dedication and outstanding skills. Cristina values the dynamic and harmonious environment in which she works, as it gives her the opportunity to constantly develop.
The full article is available on the employermeu.ro website at this link: