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UBIHealthy habits, a sustainability campaign launched by Ubitech Constructions to create a change in society, starting from the example of its own team4 min. de citit

“In life you need three things: your health, a purpose and people to love. That’s it.” The words of Indian-American entrepreneur Naval Ravikant are reflected in the social responsibility actions carried out by Ubitech Constructions, which highlight that change starts with the people who live in this society and that they can be social determinants.

Ubitech Constructions, a full-service construction company, actively promotes healthy behaviors, from physical and mental health to caring for others and the environment, in order to spark the interest and desire of people inside and outside the company to contribute to the change they want to see in society.

That’s how the UBI Healthy Bikes campaign came about more than a year ago, with the aim of promoting the social actions in which Ubitech team members were involved, in order to inspire as many people as possible to adopt similar behaviour. From the health of body and mind, to the importance of caring for fellow humans and the environment, the company has promoted many positive examples with everyone who follows the company’s Facebook and Instagram pages.

In 2024, Ubitech returns with a different sustainability campaign format and is ready to promote new healthy habits. Those who want to join her on this journey are invited to become part of the communities on the two social media platforms.

The “heroes” of the first year of #HealthyHabits  

Cristi, from the Facilities Department, found herself at the forefront of January 2023, the month dedicated to body health. In February, the month dedicated to mental and emotional health, the first online competition of the campaign took place, which brought the winner two tickets to the Bucharest National Opera.

In March, when caring for those around us came to the fore, the examples of colleagues Ionuț and George, from the Procurement and Facilities Departments, who have made a habit of getting involved in humanitarian campaigns, were promoted. In April, the month dedicated to caring for the environment, it was the turn of Sami, from the Digital Twin Department, to receive everyone’s appreciation for his habit of riding his bike whenever he has the opportunity, be it to work or to college.

The month of May, which is dedicated to a healthy body, has earned Iulian Nedelcu, an active supporter of Healthy UBIceans, the title of campaign ambassador. Although he only does sport in his spare time, Iulian has placed on the podium in several national competitions. On 13 and 14 May, several colleagues from the Ubitech team ran with him in the OMV Petrom Bucharest Half Marathon to support the HOSPICE Casa Speranței Association. Also this month, the second contest of the campaign took place, and two of the competitors won a 599 lei voucher at Gold Nutrition, after encouraging their friends to do sport. In June, dedicated to caring for others, everyone who follows the company online was invited to create as much magic as possible in children’s lives and help them achieve their dreams.

Ubitech cares not only for the future of building, but also for the future of the planet. In July, the month dedicated to caring for the environment, the company presented another example of how we can help create a greener future: planting trees. Anca, from the Procurement Department, adopted this healthy habit a few years ago and has participated in several tree planting actions.

August, dedicated to mental and emotional health, brought into focus the importance of travel for mental and emotional health as well as physical health. Followers of the company’s social media pages caught up with Iulian Nedelcu, who ingeniously combines mountain hiking with training for competitions. One of his routes targeted Negoiu Peak, and another was from Bâlea Lac to Moldoveanu Peak and back.

September opened a new phase of the campaign, focusing on the importance of selective waste collection. Thus, the third contest of the campaign was launched, and all those who follow the company’s social media pages were invited to mention a habit by which they contributed to environmental protection and tag a friend to follow their example. The winner of the competition won a voucher worth 600 lei at Edenland Park.

A balanced eating routine is necessary for the proper functioning of body and mind. It improves quality of life, increases resistance to stress, positively influences mood and increases life expectancy. This is why October was dedicated to the health of the body, while November highlighted the importance of human connections.

Based on the idea that every day we can make the world a better place, Ubitech launched a new phase of the UBI Healthy Beliefs campaign in December to bring to the forefront the importance of caring for those around us. In the month dedicated to caring for others, the company showed its followers on social media platforms that every gesture counts, whether it’s extending a helping hand to someone or supporting a good cause with a donation. On this occasion, the company’s online followers were invited to demonstrate that empathy and solidarity are values that define them.

The full article is available on the website at this link: